What is a calcium score test?

A calcium score test is a scan that measures the amount of calcium in your coronary arteries. This test can help determine your risk for heart disease. The higher your calcium score, the greater your risk for heart disease. A calcium score test in Middletown, NJ is often used to help decide if you need a more detailed heart scan, such as an angiogram.

Your coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply blood to your heart muscle. If these arteries become blocked, it can cause a heart attack. A calcium score test can help determine if you have any blockages in your coronary arteries.

The test is done by injecting a small amount of radioactive material into your arm. This material will be absorbed by any calcium in your body. A scanner will then be used to measure the amount of radiation that is emitted from your coronary arteries. This will help determine the calcium score.

If you have a high calcium score, it means you are at a greater risk for heart disease. You may need to make changes to your lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and getting more exercise. You may also need medication to help lower your risk for heart disease. If you have a high calcium score, you should talk to your doctor about getting a detailed heart scan, such as an angiogram.

calcium score test in Middletown, NJ

A calcium score test is a safe and painless procedure that can help you understand your risk for heart disease. Talk to your doctor about whether this test is right for you.

The calcium score test is an imaging technique that uses a small amount of radioactive material injected through the arm in order to measure the amount of coronary artery calcification present in an individual’s heart. This detailed level of imagery helps provide physicians with information about the possible presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) or other health conditions like atherosclerosis. The higher your calcium score, the greater your risk for CAD, although not all people with high scores will necessarily be affected by cardiac problems. A calcium score test can help predict your risk for heart disease and allow you to take preventative action.

Research has shown that individuals with elevated calcium scores are 20 times more likely to experience cardiac-related symptoms than those with low scores who were studied. The test is considered a safe and painless procedure, although people with pacemakers should not undergo the scan. A calcium score test can help patients, and their doctors understand the level of risk they face for developing heart disease and take steps to prevent such an event from happening.